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From the Quran


Prophet stories from the Quran 


  •  belonged to a noble strong family 

  • was from the descendants of Ibrahim (as)

  •  some scholars say Musa (as) married his daughter

6 Pieces of advice 

Do not contradict yourself by doing that which you forbid for others

Do good as much as you can for the sake of Allah (SWT)

Depend only on Allah (SWT) both for success and guidance 

Put complete trust on Allah (SWT)

Dont let personal problems prevent you from the truth

Seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT)

P.ayyub (as)


  • was very rich with much land, many animals and children 

  • known was being steadfast and patient

  • who was the righteous servant of Allah SWT but underwent the test of Allah SWT for a very long period of time.

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Story of Sacrifice

Abraham said: “I am going to my Lord; He will guide me. Lord, grant me a righteous son.” (In response to this prayer) We gave him the good news of a prudent boy; and when he was old enough to go about and work with him, (one day) Abraham said to him: “My son, I see in my dream that I am slaughtering you. So consider (and tell me) what you think.” He said: “Do as you are bidden. You will find me, if Allah so wills, among the steadfast.” When both surrendered (to Allah's command) and Abraham flung the son down on his forehead, We cried out: “O Abraham, you have indeed fulfilled your dream. Thus do We reward the good-doers.” This was indeed a plain trial. And We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice, and We preserved for him a good name among posterity. Peace be upon Abraham. Thus do We reward the good-doers. Surely he was one of Our believing servants. And We gave him the good news of Isaac, a Prophet and among the righteous ones. And We blessed him and Isaac. Among the offspring of the two some did good and some plainly wronged themselves.

(Surah 37: 99-113)


Nephew of Ibrahim (AS) 

"La Ilaha Illa" is not a word but its a way of life

Commandments & Instructions should be taken only from Allah (SWT)

It is very easy to discuss what people like and avoid what they don't like or neglect the things they don't like but that's not What DAWAH is - 

People of LUT (AS) were suffering from a disease of Homosexuality, Crime, Corruption and Perverted Hearts. 

This is what Dawah is - LUT (AS) told his people which they dint wanted to hear.


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He was son of a Prophet Dawood (AS) 
He was a king 
He was well known for Allah's grace and mighty in Him (AS) with a very powerful army

Allah(SWT) blessed Sulaiman(AS) with everything he could have even if he could want it
yet he was never shy asking from his Rabb,seeking forgiveness and being thankful for
everything he had.


Allah says in the Quran, (Surah 27:16)

And Solomon succeeded David and said: "O people, we have been taught the speech of birds and we have been endowed with all kinds of things. Surely this is a conspicuous favour (from Allah)."


Get in Touch

Stories are short but full of meaning for all of us.

Allah (SWT) did not mention to us about any story except there are lessons for us to learn.

Jazakallahu Khairan Kasiran.

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