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Empower your soul

Writer's picture: Al-MohsinunAl-Mohsinun

Azkar (plural) or Zikr (singular) is the remembrance of Allah.

We are created by Allah for His worship; all other earthly pursuits are transitory, for only our good deeds in the eyes of Allah (swt) will count in the afterlife.

Allah (swt) loves the act of praying to Him and asking His forgiveness for our sins.

Nobody is perfect, had we been born as a bring that did not sin, then He would have replaced us with another being that did, felt guilty and asked his forgiveness for the sins committed. This is explained in the following hadith:

“Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “I swear by Him in whose hand is my soul, if you were a people who did not commit sin, Allah would take you away and replace you with a people who would sin and then seek Allah’s forgiveness so He could forgive them.” (Muslim)

Hence, we come to know from this hadith that Allah is the all-forgiving thus we should be seeking His forgiveness for our sins.

However, this does not mean that we take it for granted and persist in committing sins, thinking that all sins will be forgiven for He’s well aware of what’s in our hearts and such intentions would only lead us to our destruction.

As mentioned in the Quran:

“Remember Allah's grace upon you and His covenant by which He bound you, when ye said: We hear and we obey; And keep your duty to Allah. Lo! He knows what is in the hearts (of men).” (The Quran 5:7)


There are countless benefits of remembering our creator in times of need or to simply thank Allah for giving another day of this life.

  • We increase our chances of entering Jannah (Heaven) by earning more sawab.

  • There’s sawab in all kinds of good deeds described by the Quran and Sunnah and remembering Allah is one of them.

  • Allah blesses those who follow the right path, remember Him via prayers and acknowledge His presence around us.

  • Allah’s blessing means prosperity in this life and the one hereafter.

On the other hand, ignorance can only mean the cause of our destruction. As explained in the following ayah:

“And when the prayer has been concluded, disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah often that you may succeed.” (The Quran 62:10)

This world is only transitory, and nothing in this world is everlasting. Allah is the only everlasting entity. Our purpose in this world should not be forgotten, neither the fact that our deeds here will determine our eternal resting place. We are to return to Him after our deaths so it’s best that we return with a good record of deeds.

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